Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Effective April 2020

1. The privacy policy

1.1. The Ted Arison Family Foundation (Israel) A Public Benefit Company Ltd. (the “Organization’s Name” or the “Company”) respects your privacy. When you use our services, you are trusting us with your information. We understand that this is a big responsibility and we invest a great deal of effort in protecting your information.

1.2. The object of this policy is to explain to you, in a transparent way, what is the basis for processing all personal information collected from you when you visit the website at the following address: (the “Site”), in what way the information will be used, the manner of disclosing the information furnished by you to third parties and the use of “cookies” or files or tags on the Site.

1.3. The Company is committed to protecting your personal information (as defined below) in a manner that is consistent with the valid information protection laws. We will ask you to carefully read this policy together with the Company’s terms of use, and to understand the Company’s position and procedures regarding your personal information and the way in which the Company will act with it.

1.4. Terms and conditions of the privacy policy that are in the masculine are for convenience purposes only and refer to both genders as one.

2. The policy’s confirmation by the user

Your use of the Site by registration or visiting the Site constitutes your consent to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy and the Company’s procedures detailed therein, and to the Company’s collection and processing (inter alia collection, use, disclosure, holding or transfer) of your personal information pursuant to the terms and conditions of this policy. The information held by the Company about you might be held and processed through computer files and/or in written documents.

Insofar as you furnish the Company with any information about another person, you must draw this person’s attention to this privacy policy.

If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, kindly do not make any use of the site.

3. The types of information collected

3.1. Definitions

We define “personal information” or “personal data” to mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, e-mail address, telephone no an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

You hereby acknowledge that all personal information hereunder is provided at your volition and that you are not legally required to provide any personal information to the Company. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein please do not access the

Anonymous information – information that does not enable the Company to contact you or identify you, and is unrelated to information that can be used for such purpose. This information includes information collected passively by your activity on the Site, such as usage data, to the extent that such information is unrelated to your personal information.

For details of the types of information collected, see paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 below.

3.2. Your attention is drawn to the fact that you may choose not to furnish certain information to the Company (for example, by changing your cookie definitions – please see paragraph 3.4.2). The decision to furnish any information to the Company is in your hands; however, if you do not do so, the Site’s characteristics that you are able to use might be restricted.

3.3. Information furnished voluntarily

Information furnished to the Company on your own initiative in the course of using the Site that is collected by us. Below are examples:

  • personal information that you feed when using the Site or registering for the Company’s mailing list that includes, for example, your full name, e-mail address, telephone no. and the like;
  • correspondence with the Company – the Company might keep correspondence that has been exchanged between you for customer service, management and Site improvement purposes;
  • you may remove yourself from the mailing list at any time and/or request your removal by sending an e-mail request to the following address:

3.4. Information collected through technology

3.4.1. Log files

For the purposes of routine maintenance, analyzing traffic data and providing and improving the Site, we use log files that collect information such as IP addresses, information about browsers, cookies, Internet service providers (ISP), referral pages / exit pages, types of platforms, date / time stamps and the number and location on the page of clicks. We use this information in order to analyze trends, manage the Site, monitor aggregate user traffic, diagnose problems with our servers and collect extensive demographic information for aggregate use. This information is unrelated to other information enabling personal identification by reasonable means. We also use a service tool to monitor the user in log files in order to analyze user traffic and keep IP addresses for aggregate statistical purposes.

3.4.2. Cookies and web beacons

  •  With the aim of enabling use of certain functions, we use cookies on various pages of our Site, as well as files that are from external providers (such as Google, Facebook) and tags such as Javascript. If you interact with any external provider plug-in (e.g. clicking on “like” on Facebook), such external provider may collect personal information about you pursuant to the privacy policies of such external provider.
  • Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your computer that contain information about you. Some of the cookies used by us are deleted from the hard drive after you finish your browsing session (provisional cookies), while some of the cookies are saved on the hard drive of your computer or of your cellular telephone, and enable us to identify your device on future visits to our Site (persistent cookies).
  • The cookies will monitor, inter alia, clicks and online activity.
  • For this reason, the Site contains cookies and other local files, in order to distinguish between you and other users. The Company may use cookies or a configuration file, that is stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or of your cellular phone, in order to obtain information about your general Internet use. Cookies and other files contain information that is sent to your computer and/or the hard drive of your cellular telephone. They help the Company to improve the site and provide improved and personally adapted service. In addition, they also enable the Company to prevent fraud and/or misuse.
  •  The legal basis for processing the information found in cookies and files or in other tags derives from the execution of an agreement with you (pursuant to which cookies are necessary as part of the customer’s use experience), or from the Company’s legitimate interest in securing its website and displaying it in a user-friendly way.
  • You may block cookies by activating certain browser definitions, that enable you to fully or partially allow cookies. Nonetheless, if you choose definitions that are too strict, you might not have access to certain parts of the site.
  • The “help” function in the menu of most browsers includes an explanation on how to prevent allowing cookies on the browser (fully or partially), how to delete all cookies that have been collected and how to block future cookies.
  •  In addition, the Company might make use of the Site and our e-mails in web beacons in order to collect the information detailed in this policy. These web beacons are electronic pictures that enable us to send cookies, monitor your use of the Site or obtain an indication that an act has been done in e-mail correspondence on our behalf.

4. Internet technology and information analysis tool

The Company’s website uses Internet analysis systems for the purpose of monitoring, marketing, advertising and otherwise (such as: Google Analytics). These systems are exposed to anonymous information only and not to personal information (as defined in paragraph 3.1 above).

5. Clickstream data

Internet browsing leaves a trail of electronic information on every website that you have visited. This information, sometimes called clickstream data, might be collected and kept on the website’s server. Clickstream data provide the Company with information about the type of computer and browser software, the address of the website from which you reached the Company’s Site, and in certain cases, your e-mail address. We may use clickstream data in order to determine the period of time that browsers spend on each page on the website and the manner in which they browse the Site. This information will only be used by us for the purpose of improvement and personal adaptation of the website.

6. Use and sharing of information

6.1. The Company will only process your personal information for the purposes for which you provided the information of your own initiative (such as: your request to join the mailing list, your request for a donation, and the like). In addition, the Company may also use your personal information for analyzing data and statistics and in order to satisfy applicable law and to respond to complaints, suspected fraud or misconduct.

6.2. Conveyance of information to third parties

Even though we make every effort to maintain your privacy, it is possible that we might be required, pursuant to applicable law, to disclose information provided by you when using the Site. In addition, we might share your personal information in the event that we believe in good faith that such is necessary in order to protect our interest or the interest of a third party pertaining to national security, law enforcement, litigation, criminal investigation, protection of the safety of any person or in order to prevent imminent bodily harm or death, provided that we believe that this interest is not cancelled out by your interest or the basic rights and freedoms requiring protection of your personal data. The Company may also share your personal information as required for the provision, maintenance and improvement of the Site.

In addition, we might also disclose information about persons threatening and/or who might harm us and our services (such as fraud by users, sending of threats, circulation of junk mail and the like).

6.3. Sub-contractors and service providers

We might share your information with service providers and sub-contractors working with us and/or providing certain services on our behalf in Israel and overseas, insofar as necessary for the purpose of providing the service, improving it and developing other services. In addition, we might store information in cloud services with servers located overseas. These companies may not themselves use or share information enabling personal identification that we provide other than for us or for the purpose of the Site’s operation. In addition, we might engage reliable third party entities to assist in the distribution of surveys, advertising and/or content. After completion of these projects, we demand that all the information be returned to us. Finally, we from time to time, share aggregate information with our service providers. This information does not contain information enabling personal identification by reasonable means and is used for the development of programs and content that might interest the Site’s visitors.

7. Merger and acquisition

The Company may assign its rights and obligations and share personal information in the event of a sale and/or merger in which control of the Company and/or most of its assets and/or the Site is transferred to a third party, provided that such third party steps into the shoes of the Company for all intents and purposes relating to the provisions of this policy.

8. Information protection and security

8.1. The Company takes reasonable steps as customary in the industry to assist in protecting the security of your personal data. The Company will act in accordance with the governing law in the event of any compromise to the security, confidentiality or integrity of your personal information, and if it deems fit or if required by the governing law, we will send you notice by e-mail, SMS or through a prominent notice on the site, as soon as possible and without unreasonable delay, insofar as such is consistent with (1) legitimate law enforcement requirements or (2) any means necessary for the purpose of determining the scope of the breach and restoring the integrity of the information system.

8.2. Even though it is not possible to guarantee information security on or off the Internet, we make reasonable commercial efforts to collect the information and secure it in accordance with the privacy policy and all the governing laws and regulations.

8.3. The Company restricts access to your personal information to persons needing access as aforesaid in order to process for it or for the purpose of doing specific work (such as: a customer service representative). These persons shall be subject to confidentiality agreements. Nonetheless, it should be taken into account that no means and/or service are absolutely safe, especially when the activity is online.

8.4.  If you have any questions regarding the security of your information, you are invited to send a notice to the e-mail address noted below.

9. Data Integrity

We review our data collection, storage and processing practices to ensure that we only collect, store and process the personal information needed to provide or improve our Site. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we process is accurate, complete, and current, but we depend on our users to update or correct their personal information whenever necessary. Nothing in this privacy policy is interpreted as an obligation to store information, and we may, at our own discretion, delete or avoid from recording and storing any and all information.

10.  Links

Take note that our Site includes links that lead to other sites. These sites might collect information from you enabling personal identification. This privacy policy does not include the information collection procedures or policy of such websites and/or any third party, and you alone are responsible for any use made of these links and/or services.

11.  Your rights

Subject to the governing law, all or some of the following rights may be available to you in connection with personal information:

11.1.  access to your personal information: you have the right to obtain information and request access to the personal data that we process about you;

11.2.  the right to rectification – the right to ask the Company to amend or update your personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete;

11.3.  the right to delete – the right to ask us to delete your personal data;

11.4.  the right to restrict processing – the right to ask the Company to cease, temporarily or permanently, processing all or some of your personal data;

11.5.  the right to object or withdraw consent – the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your circumstances or to object to the processing of the data for marketing purposes;

11.6.  any other right prescribed in the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981 and in the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto;

11.7.  insofar as you wish to exercise your rights as noted above, we would ask you to send an e-mail to the following e-mail address:, with details enabling us to verify your identity.

12. Enforcement

The Company regularly reviews its compliance with this privacy policy. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or our treatment of personal information by contacting us as provided below. When we receive formal written complaints it is the Company’s policy to contact the complaining user regarding his or her concerns. We will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal information that cannot be resolved between the Company and an individual.

13.  Children

The Company does not knowingly collect identifying personal information from children under the age of 18. Users under the age of 18 must obtain consent from a parent or guardian to view the Site. If we learn that a child under the age of 18 has given identifying personal information on the Site, we will make reasonable efforts to remove this information from the Site’s files. The Company’s services are not directed at children under the age of 18 and the Company does not wish to receive personal information from children. Insofar as you believe that the Company has been furnished with information by a child, kindly contact us at the following address:

14.  Consent to Processing

   By providing any personal information to the Company pursuant to this privacy policy, all users, including, without limitation, users in the United States, Israel and member states of the European Union, fully understand and unambiguously consent to this policy and to the collection and processing of such personal information abroad. The server on which the Site is hosted and/or through which the Site is processed may be outside the country from which you access the Site and may be outside your country of residence. Some of the uses and disclosures mentioned in this privacy policy may involve the transfer of your personal information to various countries around the world that may have different levels of privacy protection than your country. By submitting your personal information through the Site, you consent, acknowledge, and agree that we may collect, use, transfer, and disclose your personal information as described in this privacy policy. You hereby acknowledge that your consent is provided at your volition and not due to a legal obligation.

15.  Changes in the privacy policy

We may change the privacy policy at any time. In the event of a change in our privacy procedures, we will change this document so that you can know what information we are collecting, how we might use it and to whom we might disclose it. We will notify you of any material change in this privacy policy by publishing a prominent notice on our Site and in the event that we wish to also apply this change to information that you have already given to us, we will send you a notice requesting your consent thereto. We recommend that you read this declaration from time to time in order to obtain information on the way in which we protect your information.

16.  Contact

Thank you for reading our privacy policy. If you have any questions regarding this policy, kindly contact the Company’s data protection officer at the following address: